
The Witchn Kitchn is a project of Elona Trogub. Elona Trogub is an award-winning Chef, farmer, community organizer, herbalist, and student of life. Currently, she resides in Carson, Washington. She is working on completing the Witchn Kitchn Cookbook: A Chef’s Manifesto and an Eater’s Guide to Cooking with Medicinal Plants, Mushrooms, Lichen and Bacteria (working title) in which she seeks to help readers cook like a chef, rebalance health like a country doctor, and think like a systems scientist. This summer, you’ll see her cooking up a storm in the Columbia Gorge at Mt. Hood Organic Farms with Cultivate Catering. In her spare time, you can find her picking mushrooms, tending wild places, and developing new recipes.

Articles and Interviews

Interview with Greener Good

Interview with Cascadia Now!

Communication Tools towards a Bioregional Consciousness, Undergrad Thesis, PSU 2014

Awards and Accolades

2014, 2015 Best Apple Pie – Tryon Life Community Farm
2010 Top Iron Chef, Conscientious Catering – BC Provincial Fair
2010 Salsa Queen – Kamloops Farmers Market